3つめは42歳あたり。そのころは仕事で毎日遅かったことに加えて、札幌ADCというクリエイターが集まる団体を作って活動をしていたから、夜のミーティングもそれなりに多いし、そのあとメンバーたちと飲みに行ったりでなかなか早く家に帰るという感じじゃなくて。まだ次女も小さくて妻も疲れてた時期だと思う。そんなころに妻にこう言われた。「何のために結婚したわけ? 結婚って家庭を成長させるためじゃないの?」。この家庭を成長させるっていうのは心に響いたね。家庭を守るとか大事にするっていうのはよくあるけど、成長させるって発想はなかったから。具体的に何をもって成長というのかは今だにわからないけど、この言葉が上昇志向の好きな僕をくすぐったのは間違いない。妻の作戦勝ち。
Message from god
I think everyone has several turning points in their lives, but for me it was the words someone said to me.
The first time was when I was 5 years old. When I first drew a picture of SL in kindergarten and brought it home, her mother said, “This picture is great!” He praised me so much that I was surprised and said, “Huh?” At that moment, I 100% believed that I was good at drawing. This is amazing, and I think I’m good at it, so I’ll get on board and draw a lot. The more I draw, the more I get good at it, which leads to even more misunderstandings. The same goes for sports; if you practice a lot, you can get to a certain level. This situation continued until I was in middle school, but by the time I got to high school, I started to realize that there was a higher level. So that’s about it. Growing up, I’m often told that “talented people are great,” but that’s not the case for me. I just did a little more than anyone could have done. But it started with my mother’s words, so I can only be grateful.
The next turning point was when I was 33 years old. It’s been 3 years since I became independent from an advertising agency where I worked for 10 years. At the time, I rented a room in the office owned by her aunt, Shizue Kuroiwa, who is also a jazz singer, and used it as my office. It was a busy time in the industry, so I was busy with work every day, but one day my aunt suddenly came over and said, ”Well, you’ve been busy, but isn’t it much the same as when you’re at the office?” “Didn’t you decide to become independent to do what you wanted to do, something more artistic?” This was eye-opening and brought her back to her senses. Then, I decided to start independent production, something I had never done before and that would not lead to sales. The posters I made in this way were selected for competitions overseas, and the scope of my work expanded after that, but I think it would have been different if it hadn’t been for her aunt’s words. I am also grateful to my aunt.
The third one is around the age of 42. At that time, in addition to being late every day due to work, I was working with an organization called Sapporo ADC, which brought together creators, so I had quite a few evening meetings, and then I went out for drinks with the members, so I got home early. It’s not like I’m going back to. I think it was at a time when my second daughter was still young and her wife was tired too. Around that time, my wife said this to me. She said, ”Why did you get married? Isn’t marriage meant to grow your family?” The idea of growing this family resonated with me. I often talk about protecting and taking care of my family, but I never thought about helping them grow. I still don’t know exactly what growth means, but this word definitely tickled my upwardly mobile self. My wife’s strategy won.
I feel like these words were taught to me by God through my mother, aunt, and wife, saying, ”If you do this, things will work out.” The impact I received was so great that I could clearly see it, unlike a normal conversation. “This is a message,” he said. Admittedly, when I was 5 years old, I didn’t really attach much meaning to it, but the feeling was the same. My aunt’s and wife’s words resonated with me at first because they had the meaning of criticism in a sense. Normally I’d end up feeling irritated, but when I got to the point where I was more and more convinced, I felt a shiver run down my spine, probably because it was a message from something great, something great. Is this just a spiritual thing? lol